Perry Outdoor Education connects young people to the outdoors and inspires the next generation of ‘outsiders’.

Being Outdoors

Nature serves as an invaluable sanctuary, offering respite from the pressures of modern life and providing proven benefits for mental health & wellbeing


Cultural Connection

Personal & Social Growth

Learning Outdoors

We co-design outdoor activities that integrate curricula and enable young people to connect with the land, explore local stories and important places.


Environmental Connection

Learning By Doing

In 2023, we supported 5,192 student days in the outdoors.

Get your students outdoors!

In 2023, we supported 720 teacher days on school camps.

Our Annual Reports

Te Tiriti o Waitangi

POET is committed to being responsive to Māori as tangata whenua.

Latest News



New Zealand Carbon Farming (NZCF) is a key sponsor of Perry Outdoor Education Trust. They recently...

Tuna Rice & Swing-Ball

Tuna Rice & Swing-Ball

There are some sights, sounds and smells which instantly bring back memories for people… for me,...

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